
Home » Service Items > Matching order service for small quantities

More and more electronic design engineersare faced with challenges that R & D projects are many, the developmentcycle is short, and the time is pressing. Especially in the initial developmentand design time, they often require a small number and many varieties ofcomponents. So Powerv provides small quantities with matching order service.

when customers create a pre-BOM table,whose amount is small initially, they ask all the component manufacturers, theiragents and distributors and no response, because they usually ignore users withzero buying or small-volume purchases, so you have to spend your valuableoffice time to run around various electronic component retail markets floodedthe fake / old components with streams of people busily coming and going likevegetable markets, and then you have to search, contrast prices, bargain forcomponents counter by counter.

Powerv electronics will avoid all troublesfor you, customers only need to upload the BOM, then our professional team inthe global will search and complete all the models day and night, regardless ofsamples or small quantities, we can help you solve all the troubles. We willgreatly reduce the development process of local design and will shorten thetrouble which customers have to search each model individually.

▲one stop service, in order to cost youless energy and time!

▲ We strive to create the largest profit margins forcustomers, and to share the joy of harvest withcustomers.

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